Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Last " Big" Appt day

Hi there!!!! First off Chase and I want to thank you all so much for the support, prayers, and for wearing Brynn's shirts! So as you know we had our last big day of doctor’s appointments
But of course before we get there...we have to have some form of entertainment....We are coming into the parking garage and Chase decided to roll the windows down and act like we are on a roller coaster ride and hold his had up in the air....we both laughed...then sat back and realized as this was fun at the moment...our life is literally fixing to be exactly that....a roller coaster ride. But at least we know who our operator is....GOD.
Then as I am getting out of the car....yes is is very difficult some times...chase thinks it's funny to crack jokes...Me not so much...but he tells me " Stop, and Waddle with it" LOL I couldn't help but laugh because he cracked him self up so much!!! ( he thinks he is a comedian) I guess its better that what he told me when I was pregnant with Brody ( I was 9 months, laying in bed and asked him to help me up and he says " Come on up big birthhhhhmother" realizing what he was about to say something wrong...he quickly tried to cover up the "big birtha" part with "big birth mother" LOL It' hilarious now....then not so much! But I really do have an amazing husband, hes been so amazing through out this entire thing and has been so understanding with my hormones I couldn't ask for a better spouse!!
We had our echo cardiogram at 10. Unfortunately the scan showed no growth of the mitral valve or aortic arch. However there is still a possibility that they will be able to use both sides of her heart. We still need prayer for the mitral valve and aortic arch to grow and to be able to use both sides of her heart. Our next appointment was with the neonatologist that will be caring for Brynn after she is born. He was very nice to talk to and very informative about the care Brynn will have after birth. He also said there is a possibility that we might get to hold her for a minute after she is born! I AM SOOOO Hoping for this....of course whatever is in her best interest we will do, but I really want to hold her. Our next appointment was the fetal ultrasound and specialist. We got to see her sweet profile…which looks very similar to Brody J This visit is to make sure all of her other organs are forming and growing properly. They worry with “heart” babies that if there is a heart defect, there is a good chance there might be other issues, but so far so good with Brynn J She is going to be a good size baby…weighing in at 7lbs 12oz already….so that is a good thing! But I AM very nervous to have a 10lb baby! LOL! So over all today was an “ok” day. We are realizing that our life probably won’t ever be “normal” again but this will be our “new normal” and we know that GOD is completely involved so we feel a really good peace about it. We ask for continued prayers for Brynn, our family and other families going through this or even worse things. They are expecting Brynn  to make her arrival sometime in the first weeks of May. We will keep you all posted and updated as things progress with her.
Chase and I want you to know you can ask questions, call or text us anytime. if we don't get back right away its because we are in the middle of something, but we will return phone calls and texts. Please share our blog and FB page with others...not only for Prayers for Brynn, but to make awareness for all others with Cardio problems. Chase and I didn't realize the quantity of Heart babies, or even people in this world, but it is in abundance!!! So please WHEN you pray for Brynn...say a prayer for all those others that need it too.